Our Enchanted Crusty Texture is a great way to add dimension and texture to your Tumblers, furniture or crafts. You can paint on top of it or mix paint into the crust to apply it. Use a pallet knife or Popsicle stick to apply it, damp brush to smooth it out if you wish for that look. Excellent for making scales, brick, stones or raised areas. Be sure to seal your project with a top spray or use epoxy over it to cover and protect the finish. No need to spray seal before using epoxy.
If you leave the lid off this product will dry up and harden. If it becomes too thick you can add a few eye dropper drops of water and mix until it is the consistency you are looking for. Less is better! Too much and it will take time to thicken back up again.
If you wish to learn more by watching a video or two.
Go to our facebook or Tiktok page Enchanted Wood Designz and check out the video section or our lives on tiktok.
We are always here to answer any questions you may have.
www.enchantedwooddesignz.com or Enchanted Wood Designz on Facebook.
Drying Time: Drying of our Crusty texture is dependent on the air temperature, relative humidity and thickness of finish. Under average drying conditions 70 °F (21 °C) protect work from water/rain for at least 24 hours. Room Temperature is best, do not allow to freeze.
Use in a ventilated area.
Avoid contact with eyes.
Wash hands and tools with soap and water using an outside hose or bucket, Do not clean utensils or buckets in your sink in your home. This could clog your pipes. It dries like concrete.
Harmful if swallowed.
Precautionary Statements -
Do not breathe dust if you are sanding to smooth it over, wear proper ppe mask.
Wash thoroughly after handling.
Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
Precautionary Statements Response If swallowed: Immediately call a poison center/doctor If exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention.
Keep out of reach of Children.
Enchanted Wood Designz LLC. has made every effort to be honest & forthright as to the expectations of this product.
Enchanted Wood Designz LLC. Has no control over the actual use or application of this product, therefore, liability is limited to the purchase price or product replacement.
Enchanted Wood Designz LLC. Has used this product on many surfaces and has had fabulous results. Please test on surfaces to make sure you get the outcome you desire.
Options 16 oz and 20 oz by weight
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These boxes will be amazing and will have everything you need to make at least 2-3 cups.
Themed 3d Hugger, Handle, Vinyl wraps and foils to make amazing cups. This takes the confusion out of what to do next! May also include decals, rhinestones, glitter, pigments to match. You never know what I may throw in these boxes just to make your projects easier and to just make your day.
These will be limited to 20 sub boxes a month! So get yours now! These we be sent each month on the 10th. Once they are sold out, they are sold out.
Don't wait! Snag yours by clicking on the image
Our NEW 3d Tumbler Handles & Huggers

Feel free to message us with your handle idea!
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